By now you as a reader of this blog, if you have come this far, you will realize that Vedic Science is all about trying to visualize things pictorially and knowing keywords associated with each Deity, how they relate with the others and understanding the outcome. You will also be able to reconstruct what paradise is, based on the Deities I have covered so far. All you need to do is to jot down their keywords and play the game. Don’t forget to include the feminine Deities too. They, too, are very important. To aid you in doing that here’s a short list:
Vishnu – Individuality, Uniqueness, Protection, Good Shape, Intellectual, Good Balance.
Lakshmi – Abundance in Multiple aspects, Beauty.
(Vishnu and Lakshmi go together: Living and Blending in an Environment)
Shiva – Controllability of Filtered Contents to give an outcome
Durga – Courage or Motivation in Multiple ways
(Shiva and Durga go together: Doing something good for the Environment against possible obstacles)
Agni – Learning, Consuming, Sacrifices, Growth.
Indra – Limits, Reuse of Resources, Getting Feedback.
Vayu – Changing with Changing Environment, Purpose.
Prithvi – Entity.
Dyava – The Environment.
(Prithvi and Dyava go together: An Entity gets coupled to an Environment)
Soma – The Resources
These things are also good points to keep in mind when building a product. Now I’m going to talk about something that will lift your Vedic understanding quite higher because this Deity kinds of binds together some of the Deities we have discussed so far. That means we are reaching closure(by closure it means that the knowledge you have so far will take shape(Vishnu), so it will have an individuality and be protective of itself from breaking) but not fully.
There is quite a lot about the Maruts I will be covering in this post. Firstly let’s start from the etymology. Maruts comes from the Sanskrit root “mar” meaning “to shine”. As a noun and in plural they mean The Shining Ones. They are followers of Indra meaning they assume circular forms or some closed loop form. A better way to interpret their appearance is by imagining a wave propagating isotropically.

The simple diagram above that represents the Maruts has a lot to it. Firstly each ring in the diagram above represents a level of intensity. The bigger the ring, the lower the intensity. Just the way we all perceive light generated by a light bulb or the Sun or any light source. The closer we get to it, the brighter it appears. This one interpretation can give light to many concepts I’m about to unravel in this post.
Now let’s look at what the Vedas describe about how they are generated. The Vedas describe them to be generated by Vayu. That means a Change in something generates them, which is true scientifically because that’s how Electromagnetics(the thing that allows your electronic devices to transmit wirelessly) work. In fact anything that changes propagates something. It all depends on how influencing the change is, i.e. how far it can go before it can make no effect. Think of a simple pond. When you throw a stone into it you see some waves. The stone that fell into the pond created an energy(Soma) change to the water molecules in one region. That energy spread with molecules closer to that region, thereby receiving more of that energy. At this point you will understand if I say that the Maruts are self-generating. It’s simple. An energy change in one region created a ring that received most of the energy. Now since there was an energy change in that ring region, it created another ring that received most of the energy it had and this goes on. Remember that I said most of the energy and not all. Very soon you will understand Maruts connection with Agni and that will tell you that each molecule in the ring would have sucked some portion of that energy before letting the rest out.
With this model, we can include some control of this to get range of influence we require. The Vedas describe this as Rudra being the Father of the Maruts and not the generator. In the pond example above, the force with which the guy threw the stone is the Rudra. Rudra being the Father makes the Maruts an appropriate Deity to represent Child Entities. Hence the Rudra-Marut combination narrates the Father telling the Child how far it has to go. In this whole mechanism the Rudra and Vayu factors are the key parameters and they are tied together. Let’s draw this,
The diagram above, if you think deeper, represents the mechanism of “doing things”. So Rudra also represents “doing”. When you control something you are in fact doing something. Examples can be the verbs of your language. Going, Buying, Driving, Talking, Walking, Eating, etc, all involve some sort of Controllability and Change tied together. Now if you look into Vedic perspective, this translates to “doing something for a purpose/reason”. Everything we do has a purpose or reason. Sometimes we know it, sometimes we don’t, but there’s always a reason or to be more precise, a source. The Source is also an important Vedic concept known as Purusha. A concept that explains that nothing is perpetual.
There’s also something you might notice with the above diagram and the mechanism I told it represents. The diagram above, to any simple eye, will look like a model that represents Communication. Well in fact it is. So there exists a connection between Communicating and Doing. Think about it. Communication requires a Source and Destination. So does Doing. A complete sentence that has a verb in it always has a Subject and an Object, the Subject being the Source and the Object being the Destination. Now if the Source is Purusha in Vedic terminology, then what is the Destination? You might want to take a wild guess here from the Deities I have covered so far. If you were think Prithvi, you are in the right track. This actually makes Purusha tied to Dyava. We have now, Rudra, Vayu, Purusha and Dyava somewhat tied together. It means that whatever an object(Prithvi) receives, it comes from its Environment. Or whatever gets Created comes from the Environment. There is always a source. So now you can think about the Creation of the Universe for example. Using the above diagram as the model, the authors of the Vedas jotted down the sequence of Creation as Purusha-Vayu-Soma-Agni-Prithvi(You may notice here as well that Purusha is Source and Prithvi is the Destination). In English this was translated as Ether-Air-Water-Fire-Earth. This direct translation might look confusing as it throws out the important stuff. The Purusha concept kind of tells that the Big Bang Theory may have some flaws in it. Modern scientists somehow try to avoid bringing the idea of God into their theories because, firstly religion today has somewhat showed God to be a worthless piece of shit. Secondly, they do have the right notion that all things can be explained through scientific analysis. Thirdly, although they might have come to the conclusion that some higher spirit exists that created the Light that formed Matter and Anti-Matter, the division in religion would ignite a sort of Holy War. So there has always been a separation between Science and Religion, because Science encourages the act of exploring which Religion does not allow even the slightest. Religion today is more of blind belief, which according to Vedic Science is a terrible thing (I will cover on this more when I commence the Sun marathon). If you think about it Science is the one that is uniting the world while religion is hindering it. Ancient India had no such thing as religion. They all lived with nature together and did what was best for it.
Getting back to the sequence, we know that Purusha and Vayu are already somewhat tied together. By the Vedic concept of Symmetry/Twinning known as Ashwins, we can club Agni with Prithvi. Together they mean “a living object”. The Soma connects the two counterparts and it represents the Material that is transferred. On the whole this classification means the Source Generates the Material Required By the Living Object, or the Source Generates the Material Required to Create the Living Object. In a different classification, but yet conforming to the Symmetry/Twinning concept, we club Vayu, Soma and Agni together, keeping only Purusha and Prithvi as counterparts. The connecting combination Vayu-Soma-Agni represents a transfer function or to a layman the black box. Here Agni represents Conversion, Soma represents the Quantity/Amounts/Weights and Vayu represents the Difference required for Conversion(or the Equation). Remember in this black box, Vayu and Agni are the Counterparts(derived from the Vaastu Chart or could have been the other way too.).
The Egyptians too believed in the same sequence of Creation. You can refer to their sacred texts for verification.
There are a lot more advanced concepts that can derived from this sequence. Concepts that explain why truth prevails. But right now it’s quite early to give the detailed explanation because it requires understanding of a lot more Deities. I can give you a start though from the Deities I have covered so far. In fact the advanced explanation starts from it. Think about Rudra-Maruts and Dyava-Prithvi, with Purusha tying Rudra and Dyava. Remember it’s just a start. Deites like Pitru, Yama, Varuna, Tvashtri, Apam-Napat and Savitr which are important are missing. Also required is a good understanding of the Vaastu Chart which I will cover later.
From the Creation sequence with the first classification, The Maruts in the diagram get replaced by Agni. This is because it represents two sticks rubbed against each other to create Fire. The Purusha Stick does the Work(Vayu) on the Prithvi Stick until Fire(Agni) comes out of the Prithvi Stick. Usually Maruts and Agni go hand in hand. In the propagation example I gave, the Maruts represent ideal distribution of the energy isotropically, but since it is also associated with Agni, the energy doesn’t actually get ideally distributed. Elements of the propagation medium tend to suck some portion of that energy before letting the rest. This in mathematics is represented by attenuation constants of the medium. In Vedic ideology it says that some medium are more hungry than others. The Egyptians documented this concept in their story of Legend of Khnemu and of a Seven Years’ Famine[See] where the King provides a tax solution to the problem. Khnemu is the Egyptian counterpart of the Vedic Kuberan(as per my analysis).Reflection and refraction too follow the same mechanism. In reflection the Soma is returned back to the Purusha Medium, while in refraction, the Soma passes through the Prithvi Medium. Agni and Maruts together represent Child Entities.
Now that we know that Agni and Maruts are associated together, the diagram that represent Communicating or Doing tells that whatever you say or do, something gets eaten from you. That something is usually your character. Your character gets exposed to the environment. Then this can be interpreted correctly or misinterpreted depending on the character of the environment. So deep down you if you have a terrible sorrow, the best thing to do to lessen it is to tell it to someone who you think will listen. In other cases, not everyone should know each and every single thing about you because there are certain things you don’t want others to know about you. Some may know some of you while others may know other things about you and you go on playing this game. The problem happens when your environment has totally ugly minds. That’s when you fall into trouble although you know your intentions weren’t wrong. At this point there isn’t much you can do because ugly minds will always think ugly no matter how much you do.
From the previous paragraph you can see that whatever you do or say, you get some sort of feedback Soma, whether good or bad. This strengthens Maruts association Agni in the context that Agni represents Sacrifice. That implies whatever you do is like doing to yourself. In an ideal environment, when you do something good for the environment, the environment does something good for you and vice versa. It also says that you are responsible for your actions. When you don’t want to, then there’s a violation. In Vedic ideology it translates to openly denying that your child is your child and abandoning it. When that happens child gets hurt(because it has a Vishnu) and in return turns against you. This child won’t rest until you accept it(the point when you accept you committed those actions). To understand this mechanism requires understanding more Deities, the Deities I spoke about.
Another important concept the Maruts introduce is the Ring concept. You will have to look at the very first diagram I posted in this post. Each ring depicts a level of close association. Mathematicians would see this as some sort of Euclidean Distance. In other words the distance between a point from the center point of interest in 2D or 3D space. You can visualize that diagram to be the Solar System or the Sub-Atomic System. They both give the same idea. In Vedic ideology, the closer you are to something the more likely you have characteristics equivalent to it. Also, the closer you are to something, the more you get influenced by it. So if you considering yourself as the center point, the ones that fall into your closest ring are your family members. The closer being your immediate ones like your parents and siblings. Their influences have drastic effects on you, whether good or bad. They are the ones responsible for giving the World maniacs and wise people.
Now for Agni’s association with Maruts, it is notable to recollect that often “getting warm” with something metaphorically means “getting close” to it.
The ring concept also provides one of the reasons why vegetarianism was adopted by Indians in the early times. Today it is known as the Food chain where last creature gets the least energy from the Sun. It was not only the Indians who realized this but also other civilizations across the globe. The staple food adopted by all of them was a vegetarian source that directly converts Sun’s energy to food in order work better during the day. It wouldn’t be smart to have a non-vegetarian source because the Sun’s energy becomes second-hand.
Another important idea the ring concept brings is the idea of Encapsulation, where the smaller rings are considered to be inside the bigger rings. The whole Universe is built that way. There’s always something inside something or something made of something. It kind of tells us that scientist can keep breaking the atom at deeper levels, they will always find something. If you look at it the other way round, it tells us that this Universe is probably inside a shell which is inside another Universe that has many other shells of Universe. This idea only existed among the Vedas until modern science has started theorizing about parallel universes, worm-holes, etc. I don’t know if other religious texts, except the Quran, talk about such things. The Quran seems to have some mention of Upper Worlds as the place we all will go once we reach divinity as being divine is the key to enter those Worlds. In those worlds, the life cycle starts again according deeper Vedic understanding. It’s hard for me describe what kind of worlds those are but all I can extrapolate is that being divine is the fundamental thing there. Since I’m just a mere human in this world, I can’t imagine what is beyond divinity. The Vedas bring Karma through this idea of Encapsulation. It only says that we will take births in this world repeatedly until we become fit to go to an Upper World. Much like repeating a class over again just to get a passing grade. It has made me wonder if the increase in human population has anything to do with this because there also exists cases where the male and female are both fertile but they don’t get children at all or probably after a very long time. Something else controls it according to me.
The Vedic Goddess Deity, Rodasi, is considered to be the consort of Maruts. Rodasi in Sanskrit means “Heaven and Earth Conjoined”. That in plain English means there exists a conjunction of interests between the Entity(Prithvi) and it’s Environment(Dyava). These are the actions(Maruts) an Entity is most likely to do in it’s Environment.
I have covered the important things about the Maruts in this post. Since there’s a lot about them, I’ll keep it a point to explain further concepts when they come to use. Very soon the Vedic track will take a different route. This route will be dedicated to explaining the Sun-like Deities only. The series will be Surya, Aditya, Savitr, Mitra and Pusan. I might bring Chandra after Surya to talk about key concepts that connect them. Before I get into the Sun marathon, I will cover Varuna in my next post.
Vishnu – Individuality, Uniqueness, Protection, Good Shape, Intellectual, Good Balance.
Lakshmi – Abundance in Multiple aspects, Beauty.
(Vishnu and Lakshmi go together: Living and Blending in an Environment)
Shiva – Controllability of Filtered Contents to give an outcome
Durga – Courage or Motivation in Multiple ways
(Shiva and Durga go together: Doing something good for the Environment against possible obstacles)
Agni – Learning, Consuming, Sacrifices, Growth.
Indra – Limits, Reuse of Resources, Getting Feedback.
Vayu – Changing with Changing Environment, Purpose.
Prithvi – Entity.
Dyava – The Environment.
(Prithvi and Dyava go together: An Entity gets coupled to an Environment)
Soma – The Resources
These things are also good points to keep in mind when building a product. Now I’m going to talk about something that will lift your Vedic understanding quite higher because this Deity kinds of binds together some of the Deities we have discussed so far. That means we are reaching closure(by closure it means that the knowledge you have so far will take shape(Vishnu), so it will have an individuality and be protective of itself from breaking) but not fully.
There is quite a lot about the Maruts I will be covering in this post. Firstly let’s start from the etymology. Maruts comes from the Sanskrit root “mar” meaning “to shine”. As a noun and in plural they mean The Shining Ones. They are followers of Indra meaning they assume circular forms or some closed loop form. A better way to interpret their appearance is by imagining a wave propagating isotropically.

The simple diagram above that represents the Maruts has a lot to it. Firstly each ring in the diagram above represents a level of intensity. The bigger the ring, the lower the intensity. Just the way we all perceive light generated by a light bulb or the Sun or any light source. The closer we get to it, the brighter it appears. This one interpretation can give light to many concepts I’m about to unravel in this post.
Now let’s look at what the Vedas describe about how they are generated. The Vedas describe them to be generated by Vayu. That means a Change in something generates them, which is true scientifically because that’s how Electromagnetics(the thing that allows your electronic devices to transmit wirelessly) work. In fact anything that changes propagates something. It all depends on how influencing the change is, i.e. how far it can go before it can make no effect. Think of a simple pond. When you throw a stone into it you see some waves. The stone that fell into the pond created an energy(Soma) change to the water molecules in one region. That energy spread with molecules closer to that region, thereby receiving more of that energy. At this point you will understand if I say that the Maruts are self-generating. It’s simple. An energy change in one region created a ring that received most of the energy. Now since there was an energy change in that ring region, it created another ring that received most of the energy it had and this goes on. Remember that I said most of the energy and not all. Very soon you will understand Maruts connection with Agni and that will tell you that each molecule in the ring would have sucked some portion of that energy before letting the rest out.
With this model, we can include some control of this to get range of influence we require. The Vedas describe this as Rudra being the Father of the Maruts and not the generator. In the pond example above, the force with which the guy threw the stone is the Rudra. Rudra being the Father makes the Maruts an appropriate Deity to represent Child Entities. Hence the Rudra-Marut combination narrates the Father telling the Child how far it has to go. In this whole mechanism the Rudra and Vayu factors are the key parameters and they are tied together. Let’s draw this,

The diagram above, if you think deeper, represents the mechanism of “doing things”. So Rudra also represents “doing”. When you control something you are in fact doing something. Examples can be the verbs of your language. Going, Buying, Driving, Talking, Walking, Eating, etc, all involve some sort of Controllability and Change tied together. Now if you look into Vedic perspective, this translates to “doing something for a purpose/reason”. Everything we do has a purpose or reason. Sometimes we know it, sometimes we don’t, but there’s always a reason or to be more precise, a source. The Source is also an important Vedic concept known as Purusha. A concept that explains that nothing is perpetual.
There’s also something you might notice with the above diagram and the mechanism I told it represents. The diagram above, to any simple eye, will look like a model that represents Communication. Well in fact it is. So there exists a connection between Communicating and Doing. Think about it. Communication requires a Source and Destination. So does Doing. A complete sentence that has a verb in it always has a Subject and an Object, the Subject being the Source and the Object being the Destination. Now if the Source is Purusha in Vedic terminology, then what is the Destination? You might want to take a wild guess here from the Deities I have covered so far. If you were think Prithvi, you are in the right track. This actually makes Purusha tied to Dyava. We have now, Rudra, Vayu, Purusha and Dyava somewhat tied together. It means that whatever an object(Prithvi) receives, it comes from its Environment. Or whatever gets Created comes from the Environment. There is always a source. So now you can think about the Creation of the Universe for example. Using the above diagram as the model, the authors of the Vedas jotted down the sequence of Creation as Purusha-Vayu-Soma-Agni-Prithvi(You may notice here as well that Purusha is Source and Prithvi is the Destination). In English this was translated as Ether-Air-Water-Fire-Earth. This direct translation might look confusing as it throws out the important stuff. The Purusha concept kind of tells that the Big Bang Theory may have some flaws in it. Modern scientists somehow try to avoid bringing the idea of God into their theories because, firstly religion today has somewhat showed God to be a worthless piece of shit. Secondly, they do have the right notion that all things can be explained through scientific analysis. Thirdly, although they might have come to the conclusion that some higher spirit exists that created the Light that formed Matter and Anti-Matter, the division in religion would ignite a sort of Holy War. So there has always been a separation between Science and Religion, because Science encourages the act of exploring which Religion does not allow even the slightest. Religion today is more of blind belief, which according to Vedic Science is a terrible thing (I will cover on this more when I commence the Sun marathon). If you think about it Science is the one that is uniting the world while religion is hindering it. Ancient India had no such thing as religion. They all lived with nature together and did what was best for it.
Getting back to the sequence, we know that Purusha and Vayu are already somewhat tied together. By the Vedic concept of Symmetry/Twinning known as Ashwins, we can club Agni with Prithvi. Together they mean “a living object”. The Soma connects the two counterparts and it represents the Material that is transferred. On the whole this classification means the Source Generates the Material Required By the Living Object, or the Source Generates the Material Required to Create the Living Object. In a different classification, but yet conforming to the Symmetry/Twinning concept, we club Vayu, Soma and Agni together, keeping only Purusha and Prithvi as counterparts. The connecting combination Vayu-Soma-Agni represents a transfer function or to a layman the black box. Here Agni represents Conversion, Soma represents the Quantity/Amounts/Weights and Vayu represents the Difference required for Conversion(or the Equation). Remember in this black box, Vayu and Agni are the Counterparts(derived from the Vaastu Chart or could have been the other way too.).
The Egyptians too believed in the same sequence of Creation. You can refer to their sacred texts for verification.
There are a lot more advanced concepts that can derived from this sequence. Concepts that explain why truth prevails. But right now it’s quite early to give the detailed explanation because it requires understanding of a lot more Deities. I can give you a start though from the Deities I have covered so far. In fact the advanced explanation starts from it. Think about Rudra-Maruts and Dyava-Prithvi, with Purusha tying Rudra and Dyava. Remember it’s just a start. Deites like Pitru, Yama, Varuna, Tvashtri, Apam-Napat and Savitr which are important are missing. Also required is a good understanding of the Vaastu Chart which I will cover later.
From the Creation sequence with the first classification, The Maruts in the diagram get replaced by Agni. This is because it represents two sticks rubbed against each other to create Fire. The Purusha Stick does the Work(Vayu) on the Prithvi Stick until Fire(Agni) comes out of the Prithvi Stick. Usually Maruts and Agni go hand in hand. In the propagation example I gave, the Maruts represent ideal distribution of the energy isotropically, but since it is also associated with Agni, the energy doesn’t actually get ideally distributed. Elements of the propagation medium tend to suck some portion of that energy before letting the rest. This in mathematics is represented by attenuation constants of the medium. In Vedic ideology it says that some medium are more hungry than others. The Egyptians documented this concept in their story of Legend of Khnemu and of a Seven Years’ Famine[See] where the King provides a tax solution to the problem. Khnemu is the Egyptian counterpart of the Vedic Kuberan(as per my analysis).Reflection and refraction too follow the same mechanism. In reflection the Soma is returned back to the Purusha Medium, while in refraction, the Soma passes through the Prithvi Medium. Agni and Maruts together represent Child Entities.
Now that we know that Agni and Maruts are associated together, the diagram that represent Communicating or Doing tells that whatever you say or do, something gets eaten from you. That something is usually your character. Your character gets exposed to the environment. Then this can be interpreted correctly or misinterpreted depending on the character of the environment. So deep down you if you have a terrible sorrow, the best thing to do to lessen it is to tell it to someone who you think will listen. In other cases, not everyone should know each and every single thing about you because there are certain things you don’t want others to know about you. Some may know some of you while others may know other things about you and you go on playing this game. The problem happens when your environment has totally ugly minds. That’s when you fall into trouble although you know your intentions weren’t wrong. At this point there isn’t much you can do because ugly minds will always think ugly no matter how much you do.
From the previous paragraph you can see that whatever you do or say, you get some sort of feedback Soma, whether good or bad. This strengthens Maruts association Agni in the context that Agni represents Sacrifice. That implies whatever you do is like doing to yourself. In an ideal environment, when you do something good for the environment, the environment does something good for you and vice versa. It also says that you are responsible for your actions. When you don’t want to, then there’s a violation. In Vedic ideology it translates to openly denying that your child is your child and abandoning it. When that happens child gets hurt(because it has a Vishnu) and in return turns against you. This child won’t rest until you accept it(the point when you accept you committed those actions). To understand this mechanism requires understanding more Deities, the Deities I spoke about.
Another important concept the Maruts introduce is the Ring concept. You will have to look at the very first diagram I posted in this post. Each ring depicts a level of close association. Mathematicians would see this as some sort of Euclidean Distance. In other words the distance between a point from the center point of interest in 2D or 3D space. You can visualize that diagram to be the Solar System or the Sub-Atomic System. They both give the same idea. In Vedic ideology, the closer you are to something the more likely you have characteristics equivalent to it. Also, the closer you are to something, the more you get influenced by it. So if you considering yourself as the center point, the ones that fall into your closest ring are your family members. The closer being your immediate ones like your parents and siblings. Their influences have drastic effects on you, whether good or bad. They are the ones responsible for giving the World maniacs and wise people.
Now for Agni’s association with Maruts, it is notable to recollect that often “getting warm” with something metaphorically means “getting close” to it.
The ring concept also provides one of the reasons why vegetarianism was adopted by Indians in the early times. Today it is known as the Food chain where last creature gets the least energy from the Sun. It was not only the Indians who realized this but also other civilizations across the globe. The staple food adopted by all of them was a vegetarian source that directly converts Sun’s energy to food in order work better during the day. It wouldn’t be smart to have a non-vegetarian source because the Sun’s energy becomes second-hand.
Another important idea the ring concept brings is the idea of Encapsulation, where the smaller rings are considered to be inside the bigger rings. The whole Universe is built that way. There’s always something inside something or something made of something. It kind of tells us that scientist can keep breaking the atom at deeper levels, they will always find something. If you look at it the other way round, it tells us that this Universe is probably inside a shell which is inside another Universe that has many other shells of Universe. This idea only existed among the Vedas until modern science has started theorizing about parallel universes, worm-holes, etc. I don’t know if other religious texts, except the Quran, talk about such things. The Quran seems to have some mention of Upper Worlds as the place we all will go once we reach divinity as being divine is the key to enter those Worlds. In those worlds, the life cycle starts again according deeper Vedic understanding. It’s hard for me describe what kind of worlds those are but all I can extrapolate is that being divine is the fundamental thing there. Since I’m just a mere human in this world, I can’t imagine what is beyond divinity. The Vedas bring Karma through this idea of Encapsulation. It only says that we will take births in this world repeatedly until we become fit to go to an Upper World. Much like repeating a class over again just to get a passing grade. It has made me wonder if the increase in human population has anything to do with this because there also exists cases where the male and female are both fertile but they don’t get children at all or probably after a very long time. Something else controls it according to me.
The Vedic Goddess Deity, Rodasi, is considered to be the consort of Maruts. Rodasi in Sanskrit means “Heaven and Earth Conjoined”. That in plain English means there exists a conjunction of interests between the Entity(Prithvi) and it’s Environment(Dyava). These are the actions(Maruts) an Entity is most likely to do in it’s Environment.
I have covered the important things about the Maruts in this post. Since there’s a lot about them, I’ll keep it a point to explain further concepts when they come to use. Very soon the Vedic track will take a different route. This route will be dedicated to explaining the Sun-like Deities only. The series will be Surya, Aditya, Savitr, Mitra and Pusan. I might bring Chandra after Surya to talk about key concepts that connect them. Before I get into the Sun marathon, I will cover Varuna in my next post.
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