Sunday, May 16, 2010

A note before starting

Now that we have some idea of what Vedic science is all about, the following posts will explain the general concepts that can be applied to any field. Be it discovering scientific truths or formulating a value based life, the concepts can help you. You have a freedom of choice. So this blog will not advise the reader on how to live a value based life or talk about deep scientific matters. Instead, the reader will be able to work it out on his/her own by plugging in the general concepts to see the outcomes for himself/herself.

During the period I was learning these concepts, I witnessed the utter cruelty of mankind. Although it's not supposed to seem to exist in my perspective, it does exist. A kind of ghostly parasite on my shoulders. Even right now, as I'm writing this blog, it exists. And it amazes me about how the planet's most intelligent species can behave utterly stupid. I was able to jot down on rough paper the whole scenario of the problem using the general concepts explained in the Vedic scriptures, and figured out that because all doors were closed at the critical moment of decision, the problem is now unsolvable. If the problem had to be solved, time travelling backwards will be required. And we all know that's impossible an this leaves the problem unsolvable at this current time frame. People are only worried most on how things are "supposed" to look. Blindfold belief in rumors. The sadistic pleasure of destroying another person's life as if that person doing it was going to be awarded a Nobel Prize for it.

Things are supposed to look like fantasies, we usually watch in movies. If it doesn't, believe me, the concerned people will go to any extent to make sure it is like that. Even if nature obstructs it!!! They will go against nature to bloody make sure that things are like their fantasies. And if it doesn't work out, they don't understand, so they do more and more damage. I'll tell you how this sounds like... just because a glass artifact didn't look like how you wanted it to look like, you break it. And now that it's broken and still doesn't look like the way you want it to look like, you break it more. And then you don't understand why it still doesn't look that way, and you break it even more and more and more... I'm not joking, I have witnessed this sort unruly, mindless behavior. Another problem with people is they want to blame someone for their mistakes. A very common problem. And so people have in fact woven religion to accommodated that. Make a mistake, blame the victim that because he/she didn't pray hard to God, that shit happened to him/her. We blame even God!!! Religion has actually pictured God to be MONSTER!!! And because of that if people feel like backing out of religion, they are tortured even more "in the name of religion"!!! What have we people become?

In the above video, you'll find a famous person's perspective of religion. It has frustrated him so much that he concludes not to believe in God. Well that's what we people have made it and so we can't blame him.

Now let me tell you about how I discovered this commonality in various fields I have been talking about in my previous posts. It happened during the summer of the year 2005 when I was doing my practice school during my undergraduate study in Dubai. Just in the previous semester, I had completed a course on Microprocessor Architecture and Programming. So now you know that I'm an Electrical Engineer. In my practice school, which was Rotopacking Materials LLC, they assigned my partner and I to do a complete ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) map of the entire company's operation and communication to enable them to use their new ERP package. As engineers, we had to learn right from the chemistry of printing and packing to the finance, marketing and sales to draw the complete map. Somehow while drawing this map, I felt that communication between the departments were acting like microprocessors that also perform acknowledging or handshaking. Each department had input pins and output pins and some of them were both. I'm not sure whether it was because of my obsession towards microprocessors that made me think like that, but all I remember doing was imagining that I was building a computer while drawing the map. That was when I realized that there exists some generality in everything. I thought that may be if I figured out the generality, I would be able to learn any field without any troubles. But it wasn't an easy task. In fact it was the most difficult task ever. I really found it difficult to enumerate the general concepts that work in every field. I did try and come up with something, but it wasn't a good model. Also being a Hindu, I was really interested to know more about the Vedas, which everyone talks great about. I found a website that had Max Muller's translation of the Vedic scriptures. If you want to know the website, here is it, (Recommended if you are a beginner)

In the beginning I couldn't appreciate its greatness. It was just a bunch of explanations about natural calamities, and too many unfamiliar Gods with explanations that made no sense at all to me at that time. But I didn't leave it there. Being a Hindu, and from the so-called top class, Brahmin cast, Vedic chanting was part of my life. I always used to wonder which senseless natural calamity am I chanting right now. I never could ask anyone my biggest doubt because it wouldn't have been encouraged in the first place. I kept recollecting the descriptions in the website to make sense out of it during my free time. During my undergraduate life, quite a number of things went against me. Ugly rumors were spread by my own batchmates who were so interested in damaging my name completely to the entire college. It was something I couldn't fight back against because I knew by that time the people I would encounter against were the most arrogant people ever. I began hating people from my country. I only could pray for a situation to come up that would favor my retaliation. But till that time came, I became lonely and to keep me occupied, I used to think deeply about the descriptions of these Vedic Deities.

Vedic science was also a popular discussion at that time. I came across books that tried to relate Vedic content to explain the internal structure of atoms. And then there was Vedic mathematics. A very popular thing even till today. So that's when I felt there was a connection between science and mathematics on Vedic content. Vedas were also the basis of the Hindu religion. I really couldn't get that relation in my head. A relation between science, maths and religion? I stuck to the science and maths part. Then I came across Solid State Electronics. Electrons and holes were like some kind of liquid that had a diffusion process. They also would jump off from their valence band to conduction band and back down upon thermal conditions. This sounded like water evaporating, due to temperature, to the sky and falling back down as rain. Rain!!! Something that the Vedic scriptures talk about often. It kind of change my perspective towards Vedic understanding. And that's where it all started.

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