Your mind has many such creations meaning you have more than one child in our mind. The teachers(A Rudra-Vayu(Father Dyava) and Soma-Chandra(Mother Prithvi) entity) of Islam create an imaginary world to their followers(Agni-Maruts: children). The Father is usually the one who brings Soma and the Mother is the one that filters the good from the Soma turning it into Apas(Water- good for living) for her children. This whole process is represented by a single term Shiva(you will find this represented as Rudra with Chandra in the head and Apas emerging from the head). The children go to the outside world and behave in accordance to what they learn. What they learn controls them. The followers(children) create the same world in their minds. So now that world behaves in two ways. It's like your Parents you feel proud of and your child you also feel proud of. During the learning stage it's a child while during the execution stage it's a Parent. Remember Agni not only takes inputs but also gives outputs. This imaginary world is feed more often making the real world which is also created in their minds automatically, since they live in it, starve or suffer. Now do you see what's happening? Every action of theirs is directed to this imaginary world and not the real world they live in. So the Ramadan Fasting is done keeping this imaginary world in mind and this is why the real world isn't benefiting from it. After I discuss Vishnu we can discuss this matter further.
Vishnu in Sanskrit means the Active One. Usually represented as The Protector. He gets this ability with his friendship with Indra. Protection is some closed loop form and ensures balance between different entities. Indra and Vishnu are always together and they share some characteristics. That defines their friendship. Infact a only a portion of Indra's characteristics represent Vishnu and this makes Indra still the King of Heaven. But the heavenliness is due Vishnu. The good characteristics of Indra belong to Vishnu. We can say that Vishnu is a subset of Indra. The characteristics are Balance, Protection and Intellectual mainly. From these others characteristics of Vishnu can be derived like Equality, Safety, etc. The Intellectual part is an Indra-Agni entity and Vishnu inherits this property from Indra. When I discuss the Maruts, you will be able to understand Agni's Love characteristic. And so being Intellectual is a form of Love inherited by Vishnu. This is inherited through Indra's association with Agni. A friend's brother is a friend too. In my earlier posts I mention Balance as a characteristic of Indra and used it in explaining the Brotherhood of Indra and Agni. That character actually belongs to the subset Vishnu. With the friendship of Indra and Vishnu, it works marvels and this is called Heaven. From the description given so far Vishnu defines the individuality of an entity. Things that define it as Intellectual, ensures Safety of its kind and creates a Balance. Without Vishnu Indra represents Illusion, Shallow Mindedness, Tit-for-Tat, etc. Somehow discussing Vishnu sounds incomplete without discussing Lakshmi. So let me run through Lakshmi discussion first.
Lakshmi is a feminine goddess of abundance. So far we have been discussing Deities with masculine form, except for Prithvi. So let me give you a hint about characterizing the gender of Deities. The Vedas characterize singular controllability as masculine and multiple controllability as feminine. So anything that represents handling multiple things at the same time is feminine. Since they represent multiple handling, they are usually considered the centre of a system, like the Sun, which according to the Vedas is multiple Agni's. However Surya(Sun) is often denoted as masculine and there is a reason for that I'll get to later. Surya also has a feminine character. Being the centre, females usually stay in one place and expect others to approach them. They like being the centre of attraction and so if beauty ensures that attraction, they work on it more. So if you are wondering why your sister, mother or wife has so many make-up kits, here's the reason. Beauty is always associated with feminine. Therefore you should never tell a girl by mistake that she's ugly. Lakshmi represents abundance in multiple aspects. When one has such thing, they will always be happy creating no room for evils like greed, jealousy, anxiety, anger, etc, because they have nothing to loose. Hence the best cure for these evils is Lakshmi, i.e. believing you have "everything"(multiple- feminine) you need to be human in "abundance" and not in just one thing. Through this thought you can ensure the Safety(Vishnu) of others and yourself. Many Gurujis in India and all over the world say the same thing. They always tell you to evaluate all the gifts(Lakshmi) that are already given to you. Whatever is {given or not given to you has a reason}(Rudra-Vayu entity) sufficient enough to do what you were born to do. Nothing more, nothing less. That makes you unique and it defines your Individuality.
Protection(Vishnu) works only when {all possible angles are covered abundantly}(Lakshmi). It requires Intellectuality(Vishnu) in Multiple Fields(Lakshmi). That's why creating Safety Rules is usually not an easy task. One has to think in all possible ways not once, not twice but a million times to come up with a really strong Safety Rule/Law. It's called having Survival(Vishnu) Instincts. When every possible angle is blocked for you, you loose your Individuality, i.e. whatever defines you to be human. And the person doing this to you will be taken care of accordingly to ensure your Safety. Safety rules only make sense if there exists abundance of that particular entity that are interacting. The interaction can happen in multiple ways and all have to covered.
Lakshmi as a single entity can represent abundance of beauty also. Possessing such an entity improves Intellectuality. This is because since you have everything you need to enjoy, you spend more time(Soma) in developing yourself(Indra). I introduced this to address an important issue I will discuss in my next paragraph.
I kind of struggled to explain the Islam matter in this post without including the all the Deities involved in the explanation. What I'm going to discuss now is very important but it comes from evaluating the behaviour of the Deities in the issue. Many people today feel that Islam is being a menace to humanity and those who read the Quran become monsters. The problem lies with the people and not the book. Let's first get to the inception of Islam. Ever since mankind became arrogant many Divine Spirits had taken birth to set mankind in the right path by getting down to their level of intellect. This arrogance originated from Lanka and spread all over the world as time passed. If you are a person from Sri Lanka and you read this, I feel sorry about it but you will understand what I'm talking about. This arrogance was somehow controlled by the people themselves in most parts of the world except in the Arabian Peninsula. Nature did that. Most parts of the world had beauty in Nature with colorful mountains, plants trees, beautiful lakes, rivers and falls. The breath-taking beauty in these parts played a vital role in making mankind happy and delightful. The arrogance was controlled by Nature itself. The people in the Arabian Peninsula did not have that. It was plain sand and only sand. Only one thing. This region was devoid of the beauty the other parts of the world had. And so the arrogance wasn't controlled here. So if a man saw a beautiful looking girl or lady, he would go ahead to grab her for himself. He would grab as many as he could. Such things were very minimal in the other parts of the world. If a man saw a beautiful girl or lady, he was able to control his arrogant emotions. Prophet Muhammed took birth in the Arabian Peninsula to set these people in the right path. He realized what his people lacked and went down to their level of intellect. The idea of the burqa was to control the men. The Quran works only for people living in the Arabian Peninsula because the Nature there is completely different from the other parts of the world. The Prophet didn't say that a man can have four wives just like that. He said, if the man was growing many orphans personally he could have a maximum of four wives only to mother the orphans. Much of the Prophets language was to interest his people to follow the right path. The use of many virgins was probably to interest them. He also talked about the desert transforming into green beauty. I'm not sure whether he marked this as the end of Islam. But I think what he really tried to say was that once the desert is transformed to be beautiful, mankind's intellectuality should increase and much of things he said should be neglected. By Nature's grace, the Arabian Peninsula is now very rich because of the crude oil reserves they have. It is transforming into a beautiful region and now the intellect of the people is increasing. At this time the Quran can definitely add poison to the developing minds. The Quran should be rescrutinized to find out what can be neglected.
Another important thing people should change from is fighting about what name to call the Supreme Spirit. It's becoming ridiculous especially in this age of scientific development. They should understand that its just a name. It's like car in English is gaadi in Hindi, vandi in Tamil, sayara in Arabic. Now just because someone doesn't call it sayara, he/she doesn't become an infidel.
Now that you somewhat exposed to Rudra, my next post will be about it. After Rudra I will talk about the Maruts and many things will become comprehensible to you.